JIS Energy

Combined Heat and Power Industry

Industry Articles

combined heat and power

Green Hydrogen CHP

Transitioning into Green Hydrogen CHP

This article elaborates on the Green Hydrogen trends, and how relevant it is to the CHP industry from energy efficiency and cost competitiveness/feasibility.

CHP Technology

The Right CHP Technology for your Building

This article explains the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, and typical applications of the three CHP technology to help readers select the right one for their project.

chp building

CHP Feasibility | The perfect Building in the perfect Location

In this Article, we answer the following questions:
•What makes for a feasible CHP Project?
•How can industry and location make for a perfect CHP project?
•Are there industries that are excellent CHP candidates?
•Are there locations that are great fit for CHP?

Can Hydrogen and Renewable Natural Gas replace Conventional Natural Gas in Combined Heat and Power Applications?

What if Hydrogen (H2) and Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) replaced conventional Natural Gas (NG) for Combined Heat and Power (CHP) applications? What if Hydrogen and RNG are both produced in large enough quantities to fill most of the needs for operating CHP plants and microgrids? In this article, we’ll explore the different types of Hydrogen and RNG, their current market share, their future and market growth, and how it compares with natural gas, and see how much they could realistically shift natural gas consumption in the next few decades.

Data Center CHP comparison with backup generator

Cogeneration in Data Centers: The Next Level of Efficiency, Sustainability and Cost Effectiveness

In today’s ever-growing digital world, data centers are more important than ever before. Not only do they provide the backbone for critical business operations and communications, but they are also a key factor in achieving sustainability goals. To keep up with the increasing demand for data center services while still maintaining high levels of efficiency, availability, and sustainability, more businesses are turning to cogeneration systems.

Advocating For CHP Microgrid Technology In A Net Zero Future

Climate change is an eminent global issue driving the world to transform both its energy generation and consumption to achieve the goal of net zero Green House Gas (GHG) or Carbon emissions within the next 20 – 40 years. But are Solar and wind energies going to be a sufficient solution for this issue? Read on to learn more about the role of CHP as part of the microgrid industry.